Mathern College is a program designed to promote young adult engagement here at Mathern SIL. This program is structured to give male and female young adults an opportunity to strengthen their skills as they work towards transitioning into society. The goal of the program is to develop a partnership with other Supervised Independent facilities that will enhance the skills of the participants and build positive relationships amongst all stakeholders.
We offer sessions and events that focus on financial literacy, home buying, cooking and sewing classes, etiquette classes, couponing, entrepreneurial leadership development, and much more. We have developed partnerships with organizations to assist in the development of the curriculum to ensure that young adults are getting what they need. We have sessions for any adult ages 18-22 who would like to increase their capacity and develop skills that will allow them to compete globally. This is an exciting time in the life of Mathern SIL and we encourage young adults to register for sessions as they are offered.
We look forward to seeing and serving each of you for our upcoming events.